Sulzenau hut

26. June 2014
History of the Sulzenau hut.

History of the Sulzenau hut

2. July 2014
Wild Water Trail - Primula minima

Photo impressions from the way to the hut

Many want to know more about how to get to the hut. Sooo we gathered some nice pictures which provide a small impression about what you […]
2. July 2014


3. July 2014


29. July 2014
Hicking to the Sulzenau hut

The way to the Sulzenau hut

Since this topic is interesting for many visitors, which want to visit our hut and want to visit us, we have extended our internet web. With […]
11. August 2014
Climbing at Sulzenau

Refreshed climbing crag

We have refreshed for you guys our climbing crag at the Sulzenau hut, now it’s up to date! Chains and additional hooks are installed from real professionals […]
12. August 2014
Sulzenau hut, Stubai High Trail

Building alteration – accomodation

Because of building alterations of the Sulzenau hut we are kindly asking for your understanding, that is not possible to stay over night at the hut […]
29. September 2014
Sulzenau hut telephone

New telephone number

Our new telephone number +436642716898. Since our nostalgic telephone stuff has come into ages, it is now the time to switch to a newer system. Now we have a connection which is up to date. So please don't use anymore the old number 052262432 for calling us.